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Vibe of Surfing 

Our offer of surfing services

Surfing is you, your surfboard and the waves…enjoy!!!

Surfing is a state of mind having no limitations. In Roundhouse we invite you to live this spirit and enjoy the closeness to the nature and harmony with the ocean.

If you are sitting at home daydreaming about cruisin down the coastline searching for the best waves its time for you to catch the perfect wave. make your dream reality and book your surfcamp or your surflessons now.

In our surf camps and surf lessons we set you goals that determine your current level, from absolute beginners catching their first waves to advanced surfers taking the next step and focusing on technique and board control.

Can you imagine yourself riding a wave in El Palmar?

We offer you a great introducting to taste the thrill of surfing or if you having any skills yet we make you progress as fast as possible.

ROUNDHOUSE SURFLESSONS last 2 hours and have a theoretical and practical component.

GROUP LESSONS Session for beginners you no previous experiences or skills. When you have any experience we chose teh perfect programm for you. We offer adavanced and intermediate sessions. Our lessons  incluiding accident and liability insurance, equipment (board and wetsuit 4/3mm or 3/2mm). In groups from 2 to 6 persons.

surfing lessons


Scheduling depends on conditions and the avability.

Group Lessons

2hs x day.     30€
2hs x 5 days 125€


Private lesson prices

2hs x day    50€
2hs x 5 days 225€

From our gallery

History of Surfing


Make a splash with RoundHouse, designed for everyone passionate about all things surfing.

Avd de la Playa - 11159 El Palmar / Vejer de la Frontera. (Cádiz)